The Advantages of Sexual Harassment Training for Employers and Employees

Sexual harassment has been a pervasive workplace problem across industries and geographies for decades. While the #MeToo movement raised awareness of the issue and inspired many organizations to take action, the fact remains that sexual harassment continues to cause harm and damage to individuals and businesses alike. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) 2022 Annual Performance Report (APR) , the agency received 73,458 new discrimination charges - an increase of nearly 20% compared to fiscal year 2021 and secured $513.7M for victims of discrimination. 

The problem is also vividly illustrated through regular press headlines of harassment allegations forcing the ouster of C-suite leaders. Our own organization, not surprisingly, continues to receive regular new client requests for consulting to combat systemic misconduct. 

For all these reasons - not to mention corporate values and social responsibility - employers must prioritize effective, employee-focused sexual harassment training and other steps that can support a positive workplace culture. Best practice training leverages interactive, collaborative delivery approaches. It results in building and maintaining greater respect across levels as well as an environment where employees are encouraged to speak-up and managers and supervisors know what to do when someone raises issues and concerns. Best practice sexual harassment training also stresses the importance of zero tolerance for retaliation of any kind. 

Given the legal, financial, and reputational risks of sexual harassment claims, it is essential for employers to continue to prioritize harassment prevention through effective education/training and internal follow-up and enforcement. 

Seyfarth at Work is a leading provider of high-impact sexual harassment training services that enables organizations of all sizes and industries to create respectful, inclusive, and compliant workplaces. In this article, we will explore the advantages of carefully designed and dynamically-delivered sexual harassment training for both employers and employees.

Benefits for Employers

Sexual harassment claims produce significant legal and financial consequences for employers. In addition to the costs of litigation and settlement, employers may face lost market opportunities, decreased productivity, and lowered employee morale. By investing in high impact anti-harassment training, employers can proactively mitigate these risks and promote a positive workplace culture. Effective sexual harassment training can help employers:

  1. Avoid Legal and Financial Risks: Training can help employers comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulations related to sexual harassment prevention. By training their employees on what constitutes sexual harassment, how to recognize it, and how to report it, employers can reduce their liability and demonstrate their commitment to creating a safe and inclusive workplace.  Some laws require that specific harassment training content be covered; others provide powerful defenses if a lawsuit is later filed, assuming the training meets both scope and effectiveness standards. Quality straying can and should also ensure that employees understand your organizational policies and procedures and not just comply with the law. 

  2. Improve Workplace Culture: Training can improve workplace culture by promoting respect, civility, and professionalism. By setting clear expectations and standards for behavior, and enforcing them consistently, employers can create a more cohesive and productive work environment.

  3. Increase Productivity: Sexual harassment can be a significant source of stress, anxiety, and distraction for employees who experience or witness it. By preventing impactful and relevant sexual harassment and fostering a positive work environment, employers can increase employee engagement and performance.

  4. Enhance Retention - Employers that cascade positive conduct, support and respect messages see improvements in retention numbers. Positive word-of-mouth also reaches potential candidates who are more likely to seek out or accept employment at your organization.

Data and Examples of Impact

For instance, after full implementation of a Seyfarth at Work sexual harassment training program EEOC-designated Monitors found that a leading financial consulting company had emerged as a “a different and far better workplace” than before the training began. The Monitors specifically cited how, post training:

  • 79% of employees reported a decrease in profanity;

  • 78% of employees reported improved manager professionalism;

  • 93% of employees reported a positive impact on conduct.

The Monitors concluded that the training “plainly had a huge impact on the work environment.”

Similarly, a global technology and manufacturing company that deployed Seyfarth at Work’s harassment and equal employment training saw the following improvements, according to an EEOC-designated Monitor:

  • 89% of the employees who were most affected by the alleged misconduct/unfair management reported the training “definitely had a positive impact on the workplace;”

  • 62% of employees reported that profanity had decreased.

The Monitor concluded by finding the training to be “a completely creative and successful approach” and “an outstanding success.

And, in a third example involving a global automaker, an EEOC-commissioned third party study found that, post Seyfarth at Work sexual harassment training:

  • 79% of employees recalled instances where they specifically employed the training’s messages and tools, before saying something that might be potentially inappropriate;

  • Employees both better understood and were less likely to observe or experience harassment.

The Monitors concluded that Seyfarth at Work's sexual harassment training produced “significant progress in terms of combatting harassment.”

Finally, at a global accounting firm, Seyfarth at Work’s harassment-prevention training was cited, internally, as a “key contributing factor,” behind a 15% improvement in employee retention rates.

Benefits for Employees

While sexual harassment prevention training is often framed as a compliance issue for employers, it is equally important as a beneficial platform for change and skill-source for employees. Sexual harassment can have severe physical and emotional effects on individuals who experience it, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Furthermore, sexual harassment can negatively impact employees' job satisfaction, career advancement opportunities, and sense of safety and belonging at work. In these regards, effective sexual harassment training helps employees:

  1. Recognize and Report Sexual Harassment: Quality training can help employees recognize the different forms of sexual harassment/inappropriate conduct, such as quid pro quo, hostile work environment, and retaliation, and understand their rights and responsibilities under the law and policies. By providing clear reporting channels and protection against retaliation, employers can encourage employees to come forward with their concerns and prevent future incidents.

  2. Create a Safer and More Respectful Work Environment: Training can also help create a safer and more respectful work environment by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. By educating employees on the importance of respectful communication, mutual respect, and cultural sensitivity, sexual harassment training can foster a workplace where all employees feel valued and supported. This, too, can produce higher levels of job satisfaction, a reduction in employee turnover, and a more positive company culture.

Effective anti-harassment training also promotes a culture of accountability, where everyone is responsible for preventing and addressing sexual harassment. By empowering employees to speak-up and report incidents of inappropriate conduct or sexual harassment, employers can demonstrate their commitment to creating a safe and respectful workplace for all.

In addition, successful training helps prevent other forms of discrimination and bias, such as racism, ableism, and ageism. By reducing resistance to and fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity, employers can better build a workplace where everyone feels welcomed and valued, regardless of their background or identity. 

Quality 3rd Party Partners

Seyfarth at Work's training programs have been cited for their comprehensiveness, powerful interactivity and sustained impact. They employ a wide range of instructional techniques and immersive exercises, which are designed to engage learners and promote active learning. Their training approach helps employees retain the knowledge they gain during training, apply it in the workplace, and make positive changes in their behavior that contribute to a safer, more productive work environment. The programs are customizable, as part of the pre-training planning process - at no additional cost. Most critically, they are designed and delivered to achieve participant buy-in and skill imprinting. 

In addition to providing traditional classroom-style training and virtual instructor led training, Seyfarth at Work offers a variety of digital learning solutions that allow employees to access training content on demand from any location.  Wherever feasible, real-time training is recommended, so answers and input can be shared and reinforced among peers. Seyfarth at Work's focus on engaging learners through interactive exercises and reinforcing learning through supporting materials has proven effective in achieving improved outcomes in employee behavior and performance. This approach ensures that employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to create a safer, more productive work environment for themselves and their colleagues.


Effective anti-harassment training is an essential tool for creating a safer and more respectful work environment that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion and helps prevent discrimination and bias. It enables employers to mitigate and avoid legal and financial risks, and boosts productivity, morale and satisfaction. By investing in high-quality sexual harassment training programs, employers can demonstrate their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, build a workplace culture that reflects their values, and foster a collaborative environment where everyone can thrive.


Bystanders: Empowering the Unsung Heroes in Preventing and Addressing Harassment and Abusive Behavior


Beyond Compliance: Creating a Culture of Inclusion through Engaging Sexual Harassment Training