Bystanders: Empowering the Unsung Heroes in Preventing and Addressing Harassment and Abusive Behavior

In the face of harassment and abusive behavior, the actions of bystanders in the workplace can hold immense power. They are not merely observers; they are potential allies, witnesses with the ability to shift the dynamics and create a safer work environment for everyone. However, employees don’t always feel comfortable speaking up or don’t know how to respond. Seyfarth at Work’s training can help employees understand the positive effects of bystander intervention, the crucial role it plays fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace and provide tools on how to effectively respond as a bystander. Seyfarth at Work’s management training also can provide specific clarity, guidance and tools for managers who do not have the option to act as a bystander, but rather have an obligation to address potential cases of harassment and other forms of abusive behavior.

This post will explore:

Harassment, Abusive Behavior and the Bystander Effect

Harassment, abusive behavior, discrimination, and unwanted physical contact unfortunately can permeate the workplace. While the negative impact of this inappropriate behavior on individuals and organizations is undeniable, a phenomenon called the "Bystander Effect" often hinders intervention. The bystander effect is when an individual witnesses harassment or abusive behavior and what they witness triggers feelings of fear, uncertainty, and responsibility diffusion, leading them to remain passive even when their intervention could make a difference. This can have profound effects on the workplace environment.

The bystander effect is a phenomenon where individuals are less likely to intervene or offer help to someone in need when other people are present. This means the more witnesses there are, the less likely any one person is to act. The presence of others makes individuals feel less personally responsible for taking action. For example, an employee who witnesses inappropriate behavior in the workplace may mistakenly believe others are already helping or don't think intervention is needed. In addition, they may look to others to gauge the severity of the situation and whether intervention is necessary.

Unfortunately, the bystander effect can result in delays in seeking help for the victim, increased potential for harm or negative outcomes as well as fostering a culture of silence and inaction. Effective bystander training, such as Seyfarth at Work’s harassment and conduct training and work environment training, can be incredibly powerful in preventing harm and creating a safer work environment for everyone. Overcoming the bystander effect involves:

  • Recognizing the phenomenon and its potential impact on the workplace

  • Taking personal responsibility for intervention

  • Being assertive and taking action, even if others don't

  • Encouraging others to join in intervention efforts

The Positive Impact of Bystander Intervention in the Workplace

Despite the challenges, there are three main positive effects when employees choose to act as bystanders:

1. Deterrence and De-escalation

  • Shifting the Power Dynamics: A bystander's presence disrupts the one-on-one dynamic between the perpetrator and the target, potentially deterring further harassment. The perpetrator might feel less empowered and the target less isolated.

  • Verbal Intervention: Bystanders can directly challenge the perpetrator's behavior, reminding them of appropriate conduct and highlighting the unacceptability of their actions. This can de-escalate the situation and prevent further harm.

  • Distraction and Reporting: Bystanders can subtly divert attention away from the harassment by creating a distraction or involving others. This buys time for the target to remove themselves from the situation and allows for discreet reporting.

2. Support for the Target

  • Validation and Empathy: Bystanders can offer support and empathy to the target, acknowledging the harm experienced and validating their feelings. This can help the target feel less isolated and empowered to seek further assistance from managers, human resources and other channels.

  • Practical Assistance: Bystanders can offer practical help, such as accompanying the target to a safe space or connecting them with human resources, a manager or other resources for reporting and support. This demonstrates solidarity and creates a network of care.

3. Cultural Shift and Community Building

  • Challenging Norms: Bystander intervention challenges the underlying norms that allow harassment to persist. It sends a clear message that such behavior is unacceptable and fosters a culture of respect and inclusivity.

  • Empowering Others: Witnessing bystander intervention can inspire others to act similarly, creating a ripple effect that encourages a more active and responsible community.

Bystander intervention, while a powerful tool against harassment and abusive behavior, can have varying impacts on different people within an organization due to interpersonal dynamics and power imbalances. For those individuals in an organization who may lack confidence or knowledge of how to intervene, Seyfarth at Work’s training programs can empower them to safely intervene as a bystander. For those who fear escalation, emphasizing shared responsibility and highlighting the potential consequences for inaction can encourage intervention. For those employees who fear retaliation, Seyfarth at Work’s training programs can foster trust with HR teams, managers as well as reporting channels. 

Bystander Intervention Strategies

There are many different intervention strategies, depending on the situation, that employees can use to by an effective bystander. Seyfarth at Work’s anti-harassment, respectful conduct and management training programs can help employees be aware of all the strategies they could use and give confidence in their own skills to be an ally. Before discussing specific strategies, individuals should be aware of the following principles:

  • Safety is paramount. Always prioritize your own safety and the safety of others when intervening.

  • Assess the situation carefully. Choose the intervention strategy that feels most appropriate and safe in the specific context.

  • Don't be afraid to act. Even small acts of intervention can make a significant difference and create a safer and more inclusive workplace for everyone.

Seyfarth at Work’s training can help employees learn specific intervention strategies to be effective bystanders. Through interactive exercises and role-plays, employees can learn and practice intervention skills, including:

  • Direct confrontation: how to either (i) calmly and firmly challenge the behavior in front of a group or (ii) speak to an individual separately.

  • Distraction: how to introduce a new topic or divert attention to a new activity to stop inappropriate behavior in the moment (and how and when to follow-up afterwards if further action or reporting is needed).

  • Support and empathy: ways to allow a target or victim to feel seen, heard and validated.

  • Calling for help or reporting: explore which channel of reporting a person might feel most comfortable using or to whom they might feel most comfortable reaching out for support or guidance given the particulars of any situation they may find themselves in.

The Importance of Training, Policy, and Tone from the Top

Harassment and abusive behavior thrive in silence. To truly create safe and respectful environments, a multi-pronged approach is crucial, starting with training, policy, and tone at the top.

  1. Training: Equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to recognize, report, and intervene in harassment and inappropriate behavior is so important; giving individuals the confidence and tools to be an effective bystander is just as vital. Seyfarth at Work provides interactive training that covers identifying different forms of harassment and abusive behavior, understanding legal and policy implications, and practical bystander intervention techniques. Seyfarth at Work’s management training also equips people managers with an awareness that they do not have the option to act as a bystander, but rather a mandatory obligation to address or report inappropriate behavior, as well as an understanding of how to respond to different situations.

  2. Policy: A clear and comprehensive anti-harassment policy sets expectations and outlines reporting procedures. This policy should be readily accessible and regularly reviewed to reflect evolving understanding and legal frameworks. Seyfarth at Work can assist with reviewing and planning policies to make them user-friendly, compelling and to reinforce company values.

  3. Tone at the Top: Leadership plays a critical role in shaping the organizational culture. Leaders must actively demonstrate zero-tolerance for harassment and abusive behavior through their words and actions. This includes publicly condemning harassment, holding individuals accountable, and rewarding respectful behavior. Seyfarth at Work can provide management training as well as one-on-one coaching to ensure managers’ behavior is aligned not only with workplace policy, but also core values and success.

This combined approach fosters a culture of prevention, empowerment, and accountability. Seyfarth at Work’s anti-harassment and respectful conduct training empowers individuals to recognize and report harassment, while policy provides a framework for addressing it. Setting the right tone from the top reinforces the message that harassment is unacceptable and empowers individuals to intervene safely and effectively.

There are many benefits to bystander intervention in the workplace; it can de-escalate situations, create a sense of safety for targets, and deter future harassment. Strong policies and clear communication from leadership build trust and encourage reporting, leading to quicker and more effective interventions. Ultimately, this creates a more inclusive and respectful environment for everyone, fostering collaboration and productivity.


Seyfarth at Work’s training programs equip employees with the skills and knowledge to act as effective bystanders; employees will learn to recognize inappropriate behavior, assess situations safely, and choose appropriate intervention strategies. Additionally, Seyfarth at Work’s training programs directed at people managers equip managers and supervisors with knowledge of when to address inappropriate behavior, the skills of how to address such behavior and an understanding of their duties and obligations as managers. These programs can also address the bystander effect, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and reducing the fear of acting alone. Furthermore, creating a supportive environment where bystander intervention is encouraged is essential to a respectful and inclusive workplace. This involves clear communication of expectations and policies, accessible reporting mechanisms, and the assurance that intervention will be met with respect and support, not blame or retaliation.

Bystanders are not mere observers; they are potential allies in the fight against harassment and other forms of abusive behavior. By empowering individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support they need, employers can unlock the immense potential of bystander intervention to create safer, more inclusive workplace for everyone. Even small acts of courage can have a significant impact in disrupting the cycle of harassment and abusive behavior and building a more just and equitable environment in the workplace.

Combating harassment requires ongoing commitment. Regular training, such as that provided by Seyfarth at Work, clear policies, and consistent leadership messaging are necessary to create a truly safe and respectful environment for all. Seyfarth at Work can work with clients to understand their unique challenges and needs and customize its bystander training program to create effective intervention strategies for each organization. By fostering empathy, awareness, and inclusive training, we can empower individuals from all backgrounds to act as allies and create a safer, more respectful environment for all employees.

Taylor Nguyen

Taylor Nguyen is a web designer and SEO specializing in Squarespace. With 7 years of experience in design, she helps service-based businesses stand out in competitive markets and build a strong brand reputation.


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